From our Pastor

From our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Here are the three parish things on my mind this morning as I sip this cup of coffee in Utah (picture below).

Small Groups Lenten Studies:
In the bulletin, today you will find info on signing up for Lenten Small Groups. Why? It is a great way to make connections, support each other, and deepen your faith life. We have parishioners who still get together regularly with a small group that formed about ten years ago!
But don’t worry, a Lenten Small Group is not a 10 year commitment! It is a 7 meeting plan (weekly or even bi-weekly)! The theme of the program is Jesus and the Eucharist!

Yes, the vocation most Catholics are called to is the family, which is the God-given small group par excellence! But there is a great strength for families that have rich, vibrant friendships with other families of like values! Please give this a chance!

Bishop’s Lenten Appeal:
I know this weekend I’ll be preaching all the Masses for the annual appeal. Thank you for making it easy! As I said in mostevery capital campaign visit, “care more about the people, and the money will be there as the Lord wills!” Your generous response to the annual invitation is an encouraging sign of our sharing our gifts with the Lord.

Lenten Parish Mission:
One more reminder to mark your calendar for Tues/Wed/Thurs of ‘President’s week’ for our parish mission! I really think you will love Father James Searby who is a dynamic and profound speaker!

See you soon!

Father John Mosimann

February 11, 2024
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