From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
Corpus Christi, the Feast of the Body and Blood of our Lord!
It is such a great occasion to consider this fundamental truth the faith entrusted to us by Our Lord. St. Maximilian Kolbe said, “If Angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion.” These beautiful, pure spirits gaze upon the face of God and yet they cannot receive Jesus in the manner that we do. Sometimes I ask my guardian angel to worship God on my behalf and to pray as He deserves.
How can I more worthily receive the Eucharist?
1. Remote Preparation – Spend time in adoration. To come to church and pray in the presence of the sacrament is to invest my time where my faith is. It is an act of faith to be willing to sit and gaze upon this Sacrament. When we bask in the light of the Son, we are warmed and transformed. Will I spend more time this summer sun-bathing or Son-basking?
2. Immediate Preparation – Do I arrive at Mass early enough to pray, settle, and recollect? Also re-read last week’s bulletin note on dressing in our ‘Sunday Best.’
3. Reception – when I receive on the tongue or in the hand, am I focussed only on Jesus? Am I giving him my best and most reverent attention? Banish all thoughts of watching others receive, or checking out the fashion choices of others.
4. Thanksgiving – after receiving and returning to my spot, whisper to Jesus who now dwells within me like the tabernacle. This the tabernacle that He prefers, a loving heart.
5. Discipleship – live in the manner worthy of the sacrament. Be His disciples to the world, making Him known in your love for the poor, in your concern for youth and the elderly, in your charity to all. Reject Sin, Satan, and all His works. Live the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Ok, that is quite a recipe, and one that is far from complete. Because the real work being done in your soul is Jesus conforming your heart, mind and soul to the Lord who loves you more than you can imagine. Our after Mass prayer is an effort to consciously call to mind the life changing truth of the Eucharist. I hope it is having some effect!
Also, this coming week, please give a warm St. Mary’s welcome to Deacon Timothy Banach!! He will arrive at our parish tomorrow (Monday) for his summer assignment with us. He is in the final year of his seminary formation at St. Charles Borromeo in Philadelphia, and we will be blessed by his presence and work. Please warmly welcome him!
Father John Mosimann