From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
Things swirling through my mind this morning as I type, the furlough, the Super Bowl, and the Teachers. First the Furlough. With the furlough, there are many people is this area who are facing tougher times than normal, many of whom are our brothers and sisters in this parish. Please pay attention to your friends and neighbors. And for those most directly affected by this furlough, please come and use our parish food bank
if needed. Any parishioner in need can come to the parish office and ask for food. We can also help direct you to other resources as needed. We have very active and engaged outreach ministries, and we don’t want to forget our own.
Also, I have asked that we have a petition at every Sunday Mass for the end of the furlough, and we will have it every week until it ends.
Second, the Super Bowl. A parishioner told me that back when he was in college many years ago, Vince Lombardi spoke to his football team. He told them that the reason for their multiple championships was that they “love one another.” It was about teaching virtue
as much as the playbook. Well, I have heard the same things about the teams left this weekend.
Virtue, unity, pursuing the good of the whole over self interest… these really do achieve results. The unity
of the Catholic Church is supernatural. It is the Holy Spirit who is the unifying factor in the Church and we must become what we are by conforming ourselves to Him. To succeed in defending the life of the Church in America, we must love another, and believe in each other.
Thirdly, I will renew thanks for those who teach the faith in our parish children: our catechists and school teachers. This coming Saturday we are having a dinner to honor and thank all who serve so generously in this way. I treasure these ‘social’ opportunities for us to be together, to enjoy each other’s company and to grow closer together. May we grow in that divine love that will make us champions unto eternal life, whatever obstacles may be in our way. For all catechists and teachers, there is still time to rsvp to Saturday’s dinner, please come.
pax et bonum,
Fr. Mosimann