From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
A Blessed Easter & Divine Mercy Sunday to you! In the risen Christ, all things are possible. He dies the worst death – tortured as a criminal against the state and religion. He answers with power of love that breaks the bonds of death. Happy Easter!
Divine Mercy Sunday is a great reminder that in rising from the dead, Christ come back not to say, “See, I told you so!” but rather he says, “Please come home!” This year there were many folks reconciled to the church. Let up pray that this welcoming home be our mission throughout the year becoming a force that is willing and able.
A heartfelt thanks and prayers for all who helped to make this Easter a glorious celebration of our faith. Let me begin with the Music: WOW!! David Uschold, Malinda Jones, all of the musicians, cantors, and choirs all crushed it! It was breathtaking to hear the Expo Center filled with the glorious praise of God in song!
Congratulations to our newly baptized and confirmed Catholics! Their enthusiasm gives us a spiritual vitamin shot. Thanks to Mary Beth Cameron, Eileen Lanzarone, and the RCIA team!
Furthermore, Chris Lanzarone led the effort to set up the Holy Week liturgies and the expo center Masses! He got a few scant hours of sleep all week to be there for everything and to cover details that we all just think happen automatically. Joe & Arlene Wilkenson, Rich & Karen LaRoche, Julie Finnegan, and William Crandall all put in many hours to make our Expo Center Masses to happen.
All of the lectors, ushers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion were there on Holy Saturday to practice! Angela Murphy and the flower folks were beautifying and creating all of those amazing arrangements! Flowers, everywhere? Yep, due to the hard work of many volunteers.
And our ushers, led by Tom Fish. I think Tom was at all of the Easter Sunday Mass. His efforts keyed a great and smooth celebration of the Easter Mysteries.
Obviously we could go on for ever here, please know that I have offered many prayers of thanksgiving for your many efforts. Our parish comes alive when you respond to Christ’s invitation to share in his life and service. May God grant you the heavenly reward that you desire and deserve.
fr mosimann