From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Christmas in July?  Amazon Prime Day?  Are these just marketing ploys?  Yes.

But something else made me think of such marketing this week.  The stack of Christmas gifts sitting on the floor in my sitting room.  I had stopped noticing they were there, until the housekeeper moved them to another spot in my room.

What Gifts do you have that you take for granted that you only notice when they are moved or gone?  Health: rarely noticed except when something is wrong.  Friendships, family, even employment?  Most any gift can become something we take for granted.  The antidote to this is gratitude and giving thanks (or in greek Eucharistein). Gratitude sustains our right relationship to the giver of the gifts, and reminds us to put them to good use!

Think of Simon Peter’s mother in law, and how Jesus healed her as one of his first miracles.  She immediately got up and started serving Our Lord.  Why does the Gospel tell us that she got up and served?  To show that the healing was complete, but also that she was given the strength to get up immediately and serve.  She used her gift of health to serve and give glory to God!

Gifts aren’t appreciated unless they are used!  Don’t ignore, stifle, or downplay your gifts.  That is a recipe for spiritual sickness.  Give thanks and put them to good use!

And yes, I’d better read those books on my floor.

fr mosimann

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