From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

St. Mary’s Ice Cream Social and Cake Walk @ Holy Cross Academy next Sunday! This is truly a wonderful parish event that I would exhort you to consider attending next Sunday afternoon (15 September). There is free ice cream for all! We ask that each family bring a cake (baked or even store bought). Be imaginative in decorating your cakes as prizes will be awarded for the most creative and beautiful cakes, and then children will have an opportunity to win a cake of their choosing. All parishioners are invited!

Religious Education, CCD or Faith Formation – lots of names for the same task, teaching the content of our faith to our children. This weekend at all Masses we will be commissioning the Catechists who will be sharing the faith with our future generations. We must use our best talents and energies to hand on that which is most important.

I often hear parents say, “I just want to give my kids better than I had growing up.” Unfortunately, when I ask for specifics, the list usually ends up being financial, emotional, and educational, but almost never spiritual. We all have limited time, talent, energy, and resources. Are we handing on a fuller expression of the faith so that our children will be even more deeply rooted than we are? That should be our goal!

So this weekend I commend all of our catechists to Our Lord: “May the good work that you have begun be brought to completion by grace through the intercession of Our Lady!” I renew my gratitude to those who teach and are aides to the Religious Education department, I know that they are pouring out their time, talents, and energy into this task. Thank you for your willingness to teach profess, live, and teach our faith!


pax et bonum,

Fr. Mosimann

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