From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
Merry Christmas.
Today is the Feast of the Holy Family. A model family. Intercessors. Redeemer.
Which leeds me briefly to contemplate role models. Sometimes folks look at Saints and say, “I can’t measure up.” To that I say, “Well as a child I couldn’t measure up to Elvin Hayes, but that didn’t stop me from learning and emulating his fall away jumper.” [Okay Boomer, who is Elvin Hayes? A basketball player in the 70s for the Bullets — now Wizards]. I practiced his trademark shot over and over at the park, and got pretty good at it. And failing to measure up to super-stars doesn’t stop people from auditioning for American Idol.
Not only are our heavenly role models happy to see us succeed, they will give us their own strength if we ask. Can you imagine any athlete or pop star doing that? I remind you of words said by the Blessed Mother to Saint Juan Diego, “do not fear any illness or vexation, am I not here who am your mother?”
So strive to make your families holy like the Holy Family. Don’t fret about where you fall short. Give even your failures to Jesus, Mary and Joseph. This will make you happy forever.
fr mosimann