From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Another day, more CoronaVirus news.  As this comes gets ready to go to press (Wednesday), we just got further instruction from the diocese on the next steps with regard to health precautions.  Among those precautions are removing Holy Water fonts.  Remember that Holy water is optional.  Additionally for much of the life of the church, communion was not taken every day and/or at every Mass attended.  It is ok to abstain from communion for a time, and make spiritual communion with Jesus.
I am listening to a podcast right now from Catholic Answers, even with some discussion of what the Pope Instructed his priests to do back in the 1500’s, when to get the disease meant certain death.  While he exhorted generosity, it was not compulsory that every priest risk life for every sacramental request.  St. Charles Borromeo wasn’t happy with that response and St. Aloysius Gonzaga is one such generous example of giving his life to care for those suffering in an epidemic.
For those who are at risk, elderly, or immune-compromised, I remind you that Catholic law already allows for you missing Sunday Mass because of health reasons or caring for those with health reasons.  I find the folks who most worry about this, are the very ones who least NEED to worry!!  Only those who want to come to Mass worry about not making Sunday Mass!  If you feel bad about being sick or missing Mass, thank Jesus!!  You couldn’t miss Him, if he weren’t giving you the grace and desire to know and be with Him!
Or, maybe in the words of our bishop:
Until further notice, Bishop Burbidge has granted dispensation from the Sunday Mass obligation for those segments of the community who are most vulnerable to the effects of coronavirus (those 60 years old or older, those with chronic illness, and those with immune system deficiencies), as well as those who provide for the care of a person with such a condition. 
Folks be wise, be prudent, be calm, trust in Jesus, and wash your hands.  He foresee everything.  And He promises to bring good from all things for those who love Him.
fr mosimann
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