From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

We are now into our second weekend without public Masses and communion.  It seems like two years.

Today, I’d just like to give an update, and ask you to consider how you might continue to support the parish financial.  I have avoided this until now, because there are much more pressing matters at hand, and I am aware that everyone if financially impacted right now.  In the 2 weekends prior to this one (one with limited attendance, one with no public Masses), the parish Sunday collection is down about $40,000.

More specifically, the past week we received $5,800 in envelopes mailed in, compared to an average of about $35,000 per week in the collection baskets.  Thank you to all who have gone out of their way to mail or drop off envelopes.

The Governor’s mandate of 10 people maximum is already extended to April 23rd. Therefore we will be unable to gather and pray Mass today, Palm Sunday, Easter, and Divine Mercy Sunday.  That will also likely mean a lost offertory of $120,00 or more since Easter is always the largest collection of the year.

Thus far, we are trying to keep staff employed, and have moved to the maximum amount of tele-work possible. Our number one expense is salary for people who generously serve you, and like you they need their jobs!

St Mary’s is maintaining our charitable works.  We have definitely seen an uptick in the number of folks coming by and asking for food, and we continue to support feeding/outreach programs through the region.

How can you help?

  1.  Faith Direct is the company that manages online direct giving.  Prayerfully consider if you might switch your offertory to this mode of giving.  The steady nature of these disbursements is a great assistance to our budget and cash flow.  This method also allows for the best social distancing! (CLICK HERE TO ENROLL IN FAITH DIRECT!)
  2. If you still prefer the envelope system, perhaps you might mail in the envelopes.
  3. The office is currently on reduced hours for drop-off only:  8:30am-4:30pm on weekdays.  This is to allow our staff to answer questions, and provide assistance with good social distancing principles!
  4. Yes, there is a drop-box outside the office, so technically you could drop envelopes at any time, but we prefer not to have donations in the drop-box for obvious security reasons.

Additionally, much is still happening here at the parish: live-streaming multiple prayers daily, priests and teachers reaching out via distance learning for Holy Cross Academy, preparing talks for online, and holding some meetings via Zoom, and hearing Confessions with social distancing.

Many parishioners have written me with how reassuring it is to be able to see the faces of our priests and pray together.

Holy Week is coming!  The church is open for Adoration during the day, and all confessions scheduled for this week and next are ON in the PLC! Social distancing is the norm for both confessions and Adoration, but please stop by to get ready for Easter!

Palm Sunday, in addition to Masses, we will stream Evening Prayer and a concert by our music director that will begin at 5pm.

Links to faith direct and all of our live-streaming can be found on the parish website and by CLICKING HERE.

You remain in my prayers!

Pax et bonum,

Fr. Mosimann

March 29, 2020
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