From Our Pastor ~ August 17, 2014
Dear Good People of Saint Mary,
Please don’t forget to check out the list that follows for opportunities to volunteer. We often find ourselves in need of volunteers for one-time requests, and are building a database of people who would be willing to help us on occasion, if it is possible. Pam Biedenbender, Parish Council Operations Committee Chair, will coordinate needs with resources, and connect your generous hearts to those in need. Since last week, two responses. Thanks.
Also, please don’t give up hope on donuts and coffee after Masses on Sunday! We have lost our donut source—our thanks go to Paul and Sandra Glancy who provided us with donuts for so many years—and are working on alternatives for the weeks ahead. Of course, our parish nurses probably will insist on something healthy, but whatever we do it will be for the purpose of gathering people together, to visit, to catch up with each other and grow from the experience of fellowship after Masses on Sunday morning.
Our many parish groups who sponsor coffee and donuts don’t do it for the purpose of a
fundraiser, but donations given at the coffee shop do help promote their activities in charity and ministry. As we consider the possibility of actually purchasing food and refreshments, we will need to be careful not to spend more than we are able to receive, so we may need to ask for more direct support from all of you who visit our coffee shop after Masses on Sunday. Stay tuned.
It is the calm before the storm! Soon you will be receiving our 2014-2015 Parish Renewal Handbook with our catalog of ministries and our parish annual report. In these waning days of summer, please begin considering what activity/ministry you would most like to be involved in this year. What is the activity that will bring you most joy, and put to work particular gifts God has given you for the service of his Church and community?
May God Bless You,
Ideas for you on the Volunteer List:
* Do you have special office talents? stuffing envelopes, filing, typing, etc.
* Do you like to cook? Would you cook a mealfor someone? Can you give rides to people – to church, to the doctor, to the store?
* Are you good at entertaining? planning social events, coordinating food, hospitality?
* Do you like talking on the phone?
* Can you substitute for religious education?
* Do you have a green thumb?
* Would you like to be a small group leader?
* Do you find fulfilment in praying for others?
* How are you with physical labor? – setting up or taking down furniture for meetings, etc.
* Can you sew?
* Do you like to shop? help with food, flowers, items needed for special events
* Can you act as a translator, spoken or written word? What languages are you fluent in?
* Do you have talent as a tradesperson? building, plumbing, carpentry, electrical?
* Do you have a gift for design? decorating?
* Do you have IT talents? Website maintenance, calendar updates, electronics
* Do you like to visit people?
* Are you a good listener to someone who needs a friend?
* Would you be willing to be on call as needed for any type of general help? Anything else?
Send your name, best phone number, best email and list of talents to