From Our Pastor ~ January 29, 2017
Dear Folks,
Last week we were privileged to host our new Bishop for a meeting with priests of the deanery, dinner, Mass and a reception for those who wanted to meet and greet. (What is a deanery? Explained below). I was very much impressed by his joy and genuine desire to listen to his priests and the people of God. The bulletin this week has a number of pictures from the events!
And just for the curious: What is a dean and a deanery? The diocese of Arlington is divided into seven deaneries. This is done so that a Dean can be appointed to better promote pastoral care of each subsection of the diocese. Our deanery runs from Stafford down to Kilmarnock and comprises 7 parishes plus mission churches. St. Mary is the largest parish in the deanery by a wide margin. Fr. DeRosa (pastor of Our St.
Anthony in Colonial Beach) is our Dean.
What does this mean? Well the Deans are often consulted by the Bishop on matters of clergy assignments/building projects… etc. I assure you that Fr. DeRosa has been another voice for the needs of this portion of the diocese, and even Fredericksburg in particular.
Thanks for you love and support!
Fr. Mosimann