Holy Week Schedule: All Easter Masses at Fredericksburg Expo Center!
Monday April 10- Wednesday April 12
Normal Parish Schedule, Additional Lenten Confessions at 6:30pm each night
Holy Thursday April 13
No 6:30am, 9am, or 12noon Mass.
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:30pm
Good Friday April 14
No 6:30am, 9am, or 12noon Mass.
The Tre Ore 12-3pm
The Passion and Veneration of the Cross 3pm
Stations of the Cross 6pm
Estaciones de la Cruz 7pm
Holy Saturday April 15
No 9am, 5pm or 7pm Mass
Blessing of Easter Food, 11am
The Easter Vigil 8:30pm (Only Mass in the church for Easter)
Easter Sunday April 16
All our Easter Masses are celebrated at the Fredericksburg Expo Center, 2371 Carl D. Silver Parkway, Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22401, behind Wegman’s. There will be NO MASSES AT THE CHURCH on EASTER SUNDAY. Click here for directions! The Expo Center seats 3,500 people so there’s plenty of room. All are welcome!
Easter Mass 8am
Easter Mass 10:15am
Easter Mass (bilingual) 12:30pm