Express Announcements ~ June 8, 2014
Please plan to join us Friday, June 13 for our first annual Mass and Reception for the Renewal of Wedding Vows. Mass at 7pm, reception to follow. RSVP no later than Monday, June 9 to the parish office.
Meet our new Parish Nurses and learn more about our new Parish Health Ministry after Masses THIS weekend: 6-6:30pm on Saturday and 8am-4pm on Sunday, outside church or in Courtyard Meeting Room, depending on weather.
Sunday (THIS weekend), June 8 is our Annual Parish Picnic held on the grounds of Holy Cross Academy, 3-7pm.
SCRIP is on sale this weekend in the Parish Life Center after all Masses except Saturday 7pm and Sunday 2pm. Please use SCRIP and help our school.
Coffee and Donuts are available after Sunday morning Masses in the Parish Life Center.
SHARE Food Orders for June are due on the 16th. Please see the order form, p. 13.