Express Announcements ~ March 30, 2014
Join us for our Lenten Soup Suppers on Fridays during Lent in the Parish Life Center from 6-7:30pm, followed by Stations of the Cross in the Church at 7:30pm, First Friday Mass at 8pm, and Stations of the Cross in Spanish at 8:30pm.
The Knights of Columbus are hosting a Men’s Retreat on Saturday, April 5. See page 8 for more information.
Tickets for the Mother-Daughter Tea to be held on April 12 are on sale after Masses this weekend.
Sign up today for All-Night Adoration which takes place on Friday, April 4 immediately following the 8pm Spanish Stations of the Cross.
Come join the party at our annual Parish Dinner Dance on May 3 at the Jepson Alumni Center. See page 9 for ticket information.
Coffee and Donuts are available after Sunday morning Masses in the Parish Life Center.
SCRIP is on sale in the Parish Life Center after all Masses except Saturday 7pm and Sunday 2pm. Please use SCRIP, and a percentage of what you spend will be applied to our school.