Express Announcements ~ Nov. 10, 2013
Join us for our TAIZE Ecumenical Prayer Service this Monday, 8:15-9pm in Church.
We invite you to learn more about our Parish School! Come to the Holy Cross Academy Open House on Sunday, November 17 – Preschool 9:30am-Noon in the Parish Life Center & Holy Cross Academy 1-3pm.
Our Mass with Anointing of the Sick will be held on Saturday, November 23 at 9am. All who suffer from serious illness or are over 65 years of age are welcome to receive the sacrament.
The first National Collection for the Archdiocese of Military Services is scheduled for November 16 & 17. We know that we can count on you to help us serve those who serve.
Join us on November 16, from 6-8:30pm for Frank Baista Italian Night, Saturday night dinner sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
SCRIP is on sale in the Parish Life Center aer all Masses except Saturday 7pm and Sunday 2pm. Please use SCRIP, and a percentage of what you spend will be applied to our school.