Express Announcements ~ Oct. 20, 2013

Express Announcements ~ Oct. 20, 2013

It is not too late to turn in your Commitment Card. Mail it or bring it to the Parish Office. Thank you to all those who have responded.

Have you volunteered in the parish during the past year? Be sure to join us for the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner this Thursday, October 24. Please RSVP to the Parish Office by Monday, October 21.

All boys and girls in 5th grade and above are invited to learn about being an Altar Server. Altar Server training begins on Tuesday, October 22. Contact Chris Lanzarone in the Parish Office or

Come to the Council of Catholic Women Annual Bazaar and Bake Sale on October 26 & 27 – Lots of great gifts for Christmas!

All Saints Day (Friday, Nov. 1) is a Holy Day of Obligation. Our Masses are at 6pm on October 31, and 6:30 & 9am, 12 Noon, 6 & 7:30pm on November 1. All Night Adoration follows the 7:30pm Mass on November 1.

Remember to include your loved ones in our annual All Souls’ Day Novena of Masses. Envelopes were included in your bi-monthly envelope packet. Additional envelopes are available in the vestibule or in the Parish office.

SCRIP is on sale in the Parish Life Center after all Masses except Saturday 7pm and Sunday 2pm. Please use SCRIP, and a percentage of what you spend will be applied to our school.

Sunday Coffee Shop is open this weekend after the 7, 8:30 & 10:30 Masses.

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