From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

A warm welcome to Fr. Renner, who arrived this week! Included here is a recent interview featured in the Arlington Catholic Herald.

We can always benefit from this pausing to celebrate the great blessings that the Lord has bestowed on this country. Our country has so many great attributes: generosity, love of liberty, and sacrificial defense of the weakest citizens of the world, to name just three. Generosity: it seems that every year the USA is the biggest financial supporter of the Peter’s Pence (Vatican) collection. Love of Liberty: this holiday is a celebration of independence and liberty which has led us to value individual responsibility. Defense of the weakest: a true measure of virtue in how we love those who are weakest and defenseless even on an international level.

Just this week, with the overturning of Roe vs Wade, we see hope for the defense of our most vulnerable. Thank you for the many people who reach out to women who are facing difficult and unexpected pregnancies. There is so much work to be done to show the Lord’s love for all of His children. With Catholic Charities, Mary’s Shelter and Birthright, the people of St. Mary’s have excelled in caring for mothers and babies! Let’s continue to keep this intention in prayer as we pray that each State upholds the sanctity of LIFE!

This holiday is a great time to thank God for the blessings he has bestowed on our country. We must commend her virtues when we can, even while we condemn her vices. As our Lord said, “Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father.” We can agree with and commend the many ways that our culture stands for true virtue, and therefore with Christ. And we must have courage to oppose our culture when the culture stands in opposition to Christ. Enjoy the holiday!


Father John Mosimann

July 3, 2022
From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

This is the last weekend for Father “Crush-It.” One parishioner told me today, “he is a gem, a precious gem”

Another said, “I have never met a priest as energetic as Fr. Folmar. He is so excited to hear my confessions!”

And a third, “Wow! This priest loves cookies and Jesus, but I am not sure which he loves more!” (And yes, we all know which he loves more!)

Thank you Fr. Folmar for the laughs and fraternity that we have shared in the rectory of St. Mary during the past four years. Astronaut humor, inside jokes, tales of mullets and Camaros, TastyCake, and Crushing sin in the confessional. You will be missed, and other priests will have to start saying the 6:30am Mass!

In addition to the small receptions we have had after some of his Masses, we will have a reception for him on Monday June 27th, from 6 to 8pm in the PLC. This will mean that we won’t face the pressures of Mass traffic! Please stop by and bid Fr. Folmar a fond adieu.

It seems that Bishop Burbidge loves our parish so much that he trusts us to be a welcoming nest for newly hatched priests! Now it is time for Fr. Folmar to fly the nest and head up north. And we make space in the St. Mary’s nest for the newly hatched Fr. Renner!

pax et bonum,

Father John Mosimann

June 26, 2022
Power Restored and Tree Cleared

Power Restored and Tree Cleared

The power has been restored to the property and the tree was cleared by the generosity of R. Settle and Sons Tree and Landscaping, who saw the downed tree last night and cleared it during the storm out of the generosity of their hearts!  Thanks to R. Settle and Sons and all who helped with the clean up!