As many of you know, every year at Christmas we take up a special collection for charity. The collection this year will be taken up on December 5 and December 6 for the following special charities:
The Holy Land Christians Society for the benefit of the Creche Orphanage in Bethlehem in the Holy Land. The orphanage, managed by the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, has a long history in Bethlehem and has welcomed orphans since its foundation in the late 19th century. The Crèche provides services of high quality for children and people of the Palestinian Authority Area and continues to function thanks to the support of its benefactors.
The continued completion of converting a conference room at Holy Cross Academy into a new Chapel for the students, faculty and staff.
Micah Ministries receives much parish support for all its good works for the poor and homeless in the Fredericksburg area. Our parish is one of nine governing Churches which financially support Micah through annual dues, and financial and volunteer support for their many ministries, including the Community Dinners and cold night shelter. This collection will assist the parish in continuing to provide much needed financial support to Micah.
We know you will be generous, as you have always been, and we thank you for sharing the joy of this holy season with those who are less fortunate.