Parish Health Strategy Update

Parish Health Strategy Update

With flu season (amongst other transmittable diseases) in full swing, St Mary would like to keep you informed of the following steps being taken at the parish to minimize our parishioners’ exposure to communicable diseases.  First, we have suspended the Sign of Peace at Mass until the current health situation passes.  You may have noticed this for the past few weeks. The Sign of Peace is an optional rite at Mass and it is at the discretion of the priest whether to include it, and for the time being, we will omit the rite until the it’s clear there’s a substantially lower risk of transmitting flu or any other disease.  Second, we are in the process of installing hand sanitizers in the vestibule, and our ushers will be wiping down the door handles after Sunday Masses with sanitizer wipes.  Third, we’d like to remind our parishioners that if you feel unwell, please DO NOT attend Mass or parish functions.  If you are feeling sick or are sick, it is NOT A SIN to miss Mass on Sunday.  Rather, it is an act of charity to keep in mind the health of your fellow parishioners and stay home.  We encourage you to return to Mass or any parish activity after the symptoms have abated for at least 24 hours.  For the time being, these steps are in the process of being implemented, and the parish council will be meeting in the next week to discuss other best practices that can or should be implemented in the parish.

St Mary, pray for us!

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