Pulpit Announcements
Knights of Columbus #4034 Freedom 5k is happening October 7. Help enrich our community! More information on bulletin page 9
The Manna Project Food Drive will be held September 8 & 9. Please bring non-perishables and monetary donations to Mass next weekend.
Holy Cross Academy’s 3rd Annual Ice Cream Social and Cake walk is next Sunday from 4-7pm
Bike Donation Drive being help September 8. More information on bulletin page 11.
Stand up for Life. Be part of the National Life Chain October 7. More information on page 10.
During overnight Adoration on Wednesday-Thursday and Thursday-Friday the doors will be locked from midnight until 6am.
Join Flocknote for RE Notifications! Text ‘StMaryFredRE’ to 84576 to automatically receive text messages and emails when RE Classes are canceled. Or go online and register by following the link at the parish website, stmaryfred.org on the right hand side at the top of the information panel.
Urgent need for two permanent adorers Thursdays 12-1pm. We also need additional permanent adorers for Thursday 3-4pm & 5-6pm Please email adoration@stmaryfred.org to sign up!