Weekend Announcments
▪ Our Annual Parish Picnic and Father Holmes Farewell, Sunday, June 24 —Find more information on bulletin page 9
▪ Father’s Day Novena will begin this weekend —Find more information on bulletin page 8
▪ Theology on Tap presented by St. Mary Young Adults, Monday, June 18 —Find more information on bulletin 10
▪ Welcome our visiting summer seminarian —Find more information on bulletin page 10
▪ Important information for all parish organizations-Find more information on bulletin 10
▪ Summer Youth Group activities —Find more information on bulletin page 7
▪ You’re invited! Mary’s Shelter Annual Soirée —Find more information on bulletin page 11
▪ Join in the engaging Call to Evangelization series —Find more information on bulletin page 10
▪ July 4 Mass Schedule: 9am, 12noon, & 6pm Confessions to follow 6pm Mass until 8:30pm