Express Announcements ~ 2 August, 2015
* The special collection this weekend is for the Children’s Programs of the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank. Your kindness and generosity in supporting the less fortunate in our community is greatly appreciated. God bless you.
* There will be New Altar Server training on August 6 and 7 from 2-4pm in the church for rising 5th graders and older. If interested, you must contact Chris Lanzarone ahead of time at clanzarone@stmaryfred. org or 540-373-6491.
* Join us to build up a robust ministry of ushers and greeters. Consider serving the Church in this manner. Call the office and add your name to the list for the meeting August 29.
* Be sure to keep up on all that is happening at St. Mary by subscribing with your email address at our home page, lower right corner, at www.stmaryfred.org!