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From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Another Labor Day, another summer wrapping up. I usually say, ‘where did the summer go?’ but this year I know exactly where it went: into the construction begun on our parish school! Happy Labor Day. Rest up, because we’ve got work to do this year! Celebrate the end of summer and the easing back into the ‘normal’ schedule for the year.

This coming Thursday, there will be no Noon Mass! Why??? Because all of the preists will be going to the rededication Mass for the newly renovated Cathedral.

The dedication of a church is always such an amazing Mass, and this one is of great importance as the Mother Church for the whole diocese! Every single parish in the diocese is represented in the church by either a painting, stained glass window, or a statue!

I was searching my archives, and found this note from the dedication of the church we built in my last parish:

“While strolling through the church this evening with my children, I overheard one say to another…”Doesn’t the new church make you want to be more holy?” The second agreed 🙂 Thank you!”

It is the hope of the Bishop, that all people in the diocese will feel welcome in the Mother Church, and that she will become a place of pilgrimage!

And one more thing: a reminder to all who have leadership roles in ministries to RSVP to our leadership dinner! Last year, one new parishioner commented “wow, I have never seen a parish give so much info on what is going on, finances, and how the parish runs!” The leadership dinner is a great evening with so many of the folks who power the engine of St. Mary’s.


Father John Mosimann

September 1, 2024
Volunteer of the Year Nominations

Volunteer of the Year Nominations

Our parish is beyond blessed with fantastic volunteers who give of themselves in so many generous ways. We are seeking nominations from fellow parishioners so that we can honor a few exceptional volunteers. If you would like to nominate an individual as an outstanding volunteer, please email and include the name and a short description of service by September 10th.

Take a peek at this list of folks from 2005 to 2023 who have already been acknowledged for their tremendous service to our parish and school communities.  Thank you.

Volunteer of the Year List
From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

Built of Living Stones!

Is it any wonder that St. Peter, after our Lord hadchanged his name to Peter=Rock, gives us this great reflection on being living stones: Come to him, to that living stone, rejected by menbut in God’s sight chosen and precious; and likeliving stones be yourselves built into a spiritualhouse, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritualsacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:4-5, RSV).

1. Consider how Peter was transformed by our Lord with his reception of his new name. Note that in those 2 verses, he expresses both the source and goal of this grace: Christ is The Living Stone, and He is building us up into a sacrifice acceptable to the Father.

2. Consider the work that we are doing locally to expand Holy Cross Academy, with much construction this summer, we will be welcoming the students back this coming week. While construction brings some not insignificant inconvenience, we will try to keep our eyes on the goal. It was with this in mind, that the Stewardship Committee thought this would be a perfect theme for this year!

3. Consider that this past week priests were invited to a preview tour of the newly renovated St. Thomas More Cathedral, the church of our Bishop! The altar will be dedicated on Thursday September 5 at 2pm. (PS: I have access to about 4 more tickets to that Mass, so if you would like to go, email me asap).

Because the Cathedral is the mother church of the diocese, 100+ priests donated to purchase the altarAnd many parishes donated to

memorialize statues and windows and more. After extensive consulting with the Parish and Finance Councils, St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception memorialized the altar which holds the tabernacle as a gift from the people of the parish!

Below you will see I snuck a selfie with the tabernacle and its altar to give you a sneak preview! Don’t worry, it has not yet been consecrated, and hence why it is open. When the idea of renovating the Cathedralmarose, the architect said that the very first instruction from our bishop

was “move my Chair, and put Jesus in the center.” (Sounds like what we did here! 😉

Finally, the bishop expressed a hope that the Cathedral will become a place of pilgrimage to be enjoyed by all people of the diocese!

To that end, and not giving away pictures of the interior, I am also sending the bulletin editor a few pictures of the exterior, to leave the interior as a joyful surprise!


Father John Mosimann

P.S. Although our theme has changed, we will continue to pray our Eucharistic Prayer of Renewal at the end of each Mass until the official end of the year, the Feast of Christ the King.

August 18, 2024