Choice Wine Marriage Ministry
We are super excited to launch The Choice Wine Program on February 19th for engaged and married couples and journey with all of you in celebrating the sacrament of marriage and discover ways in which we can all work towards having a SUPERABUNDANT Marriage – which is what God wants for all of us! Life is short – let’s live with purpose and joy!
The registration portal is now open for our parish. Please take a minute to register for the program by using the link Once on the website, go to “Find a Group/Register for a Class” and type in our parish (be care there are several St. Mary’s around the country). Make certain to register for Choice Wine – only one person per couple needs to register for both.
You are welcome to invite friends – share this email! You do NOT have to be a parishioner to attend. Since we begin with a “happy ½ hour” consider bringing an appetizer to share – St. Mary’s will provide, wine, beer, and non-alcoholic beverages too!
The schedule is:
February 19th
We will gather the 3rd Saturday of every month at St. Mary’s Parish Life Center
6:30pm for Wine & Cheese (refreshments/social)
7:00-8:30pm Program
February 19 * March 19 * May 21 * June 18 * July 16 * August 20 * September 17 * October 15 * November 19
“Find a Group/Register for a Class”
Search for St. Mary’s in Fredericksburg, VA