Express Announcements ~ Dec. 22, 2013
SCRIP is on sale in the Parish Life Center after all Masses except Saturday 7pm and Sunday 2pm. SCRIP makes great stocking stuffers! Please use SCRIP, and a percentage of what you spend will be applied to our school.
Our Mass schedule for the Holy Day of Obligation on January 1st, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is incorrect in the Parish Calendar that was mailed to you. Please note the correct schedule is 6pm on the 31st, and 7, 8:30, 10:30, 12:30 and 2pm (Spanish). There will be no 5 or 7:01 on January 1st.
Religious Education classes are on Christmas Break and will resume the week of January 5.
Due to the holidays, the Parish Offices will be closed on December 24, 25, 26 and on January 1. The office will close at 4:30pm weekdays from December 23 through January 3.
Sign up in the Church Vestibule for All Night Adoration immediately following the 8pm Mass on First Friday, January 3.