Express Announcement ~ March 13, 2016
* The Little Sisters of the Poor will be present at all Masses this weekend to explain their mission and ask for your support. Your generosity will enable the Sisters to continue welcoming
the needy elderly and providing them with the love and dignity they deserve. Visit their website at littlesistersofthepoorvirginia.org.
* Join us THIS week for the Taizé Prayer Service on Monday, March 14 at 8:15pm. Now in our 9th year, we have met each month to pray for Christian unity in our community and in the world. All Christians are warmly invited; invite your friends!
* Our final Lenten Ecumenical Prayer Service is this Wednesday, March 16 at Noon at Fredericksburg Methodist Church, and Rev. Allen Fisher, Pastor of The Fredericksburg Presbyterian Church, will be preaching.
* Watch the calendar for additional opportunities for confession scheduled this week: Thursday and Friday starting at 7pm. Confessions will continue Holy Week: Monday through Wednesday evenings, and between Noon and 3pm on Good Friday. There will be no confessions after 3pm on Good Friday or on Holy Saturday.
* Please note our annual Easter Sunday schedule, which is very different. The Church permits only one Vigil, ours will be Holy Saturday night from 8:30– 11:30pm. There is no 5pm or 7pm Mass on Holy Saturday. We then joyfully welcome more than 9,000 people to three beautiful Masses on Easter Sunday at the Fredericksburg Expo Center, 8am, 10:15am and 12:30pm. There are no Masses in the church on Easter Sunday, and no afternoon and evening Masses after the 12:30pm Mass.