Express Announcements ~ August 14, 2016
* The Second Collection this weekend is for Parish Building Fund. Thank you for your generosity.
* Join us for a Noon Mass on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until September 2, 2016. Please consider joining us on you lunch hour.
* Although not a holy day of obligation, August 15 is the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All are invited to join us on this Feast day. Masses at 6:30am, 9am, Noon, 6pm, and 7:30pm (bilingual).
* Our next annual Called and Gifted Workshop will be held on August 26–27, 2016. Mark your calendars and invite your friends! Registration forms are available on the parish website, in the vestibule of the Church or parish office. Registration ends August 17!
* Religious Education Save-the-Dates:
- August 30, New Catechist Orientation
- September 6, Special Training
- September 3-4, Catechetical Sunday
- September 12-15, First week of RE
* Upcoming: Parish Leadership Dinner for all ministry leaders, August 22
* pcoming: Parish Ice Cream Social, Cakewalk and Dance, Sunday, September 11, Holy Cross Academy
* Upcoming: Parish Life Weekend—
- September 17-18