From Our Pastor ~ August 14, 2016
Dear Folks,
I share with you the sad news that David Mathers, our Director of Sacred Music, will be resigning in February 2017 in order to take the same position at St. Bernadette’s. David has very generously served this parish for more than nine years and seen great growth in the music ministry. This change will provide him a much shorter commute to work and an opportunity to continue to collaborate with Fr. Rooney.
Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Taizé prayer gathering in the church and it was a unique opportunity for me to sit back in the pews and simply listen, pray and reflect on his service to the parish. The quality of the music made immediately clear the love and preparation that he and all of the musicians and choir put into their service to the parish. Thank you David.
We are able to announce this in an early timeframe, because of the unique nature of this transition. David will be with us through the fall, Christmas, and Choir pilgrimage. He will help me in forming a search committee to find a new music director. If it proves mutually beneficial to both Saint Mary and St. Bernadette’s, the transition to a new music director could happen at a date earlier than February. This would not preclude his participation in the Choir pilgrimage. I have had to hire music directors three times in the past, and being able to do so while maintaining the continuity here will be a great assistance.
When the appropriate time comes, you will of course be given opportunity to express your gratitude to David with a farewell reception. One of the smiles that came to my face was considering the final season farewell tours of Cal Ripken and other professional athletes. Ample warning of this transition affords us ample time to plan and express our gratitude.
Again, thank you David for your service. Your love of the Liturgy, Christ, and His Church shines through everything you do. I join the parish in praying for God’s blessing on your next chapter in serving the Lord.
pax et bonum
Fr. Mosimann