Express Announcements ~ August 21, 2016
* Join us for a Noon Mass on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until September 2, 2016. Please consider joining us on you lunch hour.
* Our Parish Leadership Dinner for all ministry leaders is this Monday, August 22, in the Parish Life Center. We thank you for all you do for your parish.
* Religious Education Save-the-Dates:
- August 30, New Catechist Orientation
- September 6, Special Training
- September 3-4, Catechetical Sunday
- September 12-15, First week of RE
* Save the Date: Parish Ice Cream Social, Cakewalk and Dance, Sunday, September 11, Holy Cross Academy
* The Saint Mary Manna Project Food Drive will be held the weekend of September 10–11 in support of Hunger Awareness month.
* Upcoming: Our Parish Life Weekend will be September 17-18. Please plan to attend!