Express Announcements ~ August 6, 2017
* Second Collection next weekend, August 12 and 13 is for Parish Building Fund. Thank you for your generosity!
* The Health Ministry is offering blood pressure check-ins next week, August 13 from 8am-12noon and 2-3pm in the Parish Life Center, room 100. More information on page 8.
* September is National Hunger Awareness Month and The Manna Project Food Drive will be collecting non-perishable food and monetary donations September 9 & 10 outside of weekend Masses. More information to come.
* Complete some of your shopping by purchasing SCRIP gift cards! Set up an account today and earn rebates for HCA. Email Christi Greenwell at scripcoordinator@holycrossweb.com for the school enrollment code.
* Subscribe to the Saint Mary website, stmaryfred.org and receive important updates via email. The subscription box is on the homepage. Enter your email address, click “subscribe.”