Express Announcements ~ December 11, 2016
* There will be no Religious Education Classes on December 8 in observance of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Classes will resume on Monday, December 12 as regularly scheduled.
* Handcrafts from the Holy Land will be on sale after all Masses this weekend. A perfect Christmas gift from Bethlehem will complete your shopping list for Christmas giving and help people in great need in the land where Jesus was born.
* Please join us for our monthly Taizé Prayer Service this Monday, December 12. Please note the change in time to 8:30pm. Now in our 9th year, we have met each month to pray for Christian unity in our community and in the world. All Christians are warmly invited; invite your friends!
* Religious Oil Paintings Exhibition this Sunday through the 2pm Spanish Mass. A percentage of the sales supports St. Mary Parish and the remainin proceeds will be used to encourage artists who paint works which give glory to God.
* Remember someone you love, either living or deceased, with a donation for our beautiful Christmas Flowers. Envelopes are available in your envelope packets, in the Church, and in the Parish Office.
* Complete some of your holiday shopping by purchasing SCRIP gift cards! Set up an account today and earn rebates for HCA. Email Torie Baldwin at scripcoordinator@holycrossweb.com for the school enrollment code.
* Subscribe to the Saint Mary website, stmaryfred.org and receive important updates via email. The subscription box is on the homepage. Enter your email address, click “subscribe.”
* Saint Mary Calendars are now available in both English and Spanish in the vestibule of the church. Please, one per family.