From Our Pastor ~ December 18, 2016
Dear Folks,
4th Sunday of Advent. Panic Sunday for procrastinators. No that isn’t the real name, but I think I like it!
I read recently a mother describing childbirth. She gladly embraced that out of this unglamorous and painful mess came the greatest blessings in her life: the precious lives of her children. Maybe this Christmas we aren’t as prepared as we would like —with gifts unwrapped, house needs cleaning, baking to do and whatever other items are on your panic inducing to-do list. But in the midst of this ‘mess’ we celebrate the coming of our Lord. So this year I’ll offer to God: my panicked last minute shopping, or my anxiety over not being ready… knowing that he can bring good from all things! I can hear Jesus saying, “Ready or not, here I come!”
And what preparations did He make for his coming? One thing: the perfect Immaculate Soul of His Mother. That’s it. They didn’t have a place to stay, they didn’t have a fancy hospital, or a perfectly prepared baby-room. I wish that we could be likewise prepared. To that end, there are lots of confusion opportunities Tuesday to Friday of this week at 7pm. Friday is the last scheduled confessions. There are no scheduled confessions on the Saturday the 24th.
Finally, I want to thank Rick Caporali for his generous service to our parish family. This week will be his last working in the parish offices. Rick has served in a multitude of ways: event planning, facilities management, staff supervision, construction, cooking, even snow shoveling. He will be greatly missed. May the Lord bless and reward Rick for his generous service.
pax et bonum (peace and all goodness),
Fr. Mosimann