Express Announcements ~ November 13, 2016

Express Announcements ~ November 13, 2016

* Saint Mary Preschool Open House is today in the Parish Life Center, 9:30am to Noon. Please stop by and say hello.

* Holy Cross Academy Open House is this coming Tuesday, November 15, from 9-10am in the school library.

* Please join us for our monthly Taizé Prayer Service this Monday, November 14, at 8:15pm. Now in our 9th year, we have met each month to pray for Christian unity in our community and in the world. All Christians are warmly invited; invite your friends!

* Second collection this weekend is for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Our diocese retains 25% of the collection to fight poverty right here in the diocese. Please donate prayerfully and generously. More information is available at

* St. Mary Adult Choir will be offering a free organ concert, Friday, November 18 at 8pm in the Church. Please join us!

* Parish directories have arrived! Please stop by the parish office after 2pm Monday–Friday to pick up your copy. The 2016 Parish Directories are available to those individuals and families who participated in the program.

* Don’t forget we have one, very special Thanksgiving Day Mass at 10am when we all gather and give thanks to God. As a sign of our gratitude we have a Food Collection  for the Fredericksburg Food Bank. Bring bags of nonperishable foods, keep them with you in the pews and at the Offertory everyone brings the food forward and it is placed all around the altar as our offering. There will be no 6:30-9am Masses on Thanksgiving.


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