Express Announcements ~ November 2, 2014
* Sign-up weekend with the Catholic Virginia Catholic Conference is November 8-9, when we will be able to register actively as Catholics in Virginia who seek to make known our Catholic beliefs to lawmakers. Please plan to register.
* Special Taize day and time celebrating 8 years – prayer and reception Friday, November 14, 7:30pm. For eight years we have welcomed Christians from all churches in Fredericksburg: please be sure and invite all your friends from area Christian churches to join us in prayer and fellowship. Friends from all churches invited!
* Mass with the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, Saturday, November 15 at the 9am Mass. Anyone who is experiencing serious disease, or anyone over 65 years of age is welcome to celebrate the sacrament of the sick every six months. Please join us as we draw near to the new year and the season of Advent.
* SCRIP is on sale this weekend in the Parish Life Center after most Masses. Please use SCRIP and help our school.