Express Announcements ~ October 2, 2016
* The second collection this weekend is for Porto Charities’ “Special Kids, Special Needs Collection” which supports intellectually and developmentally challenged youth within the diocese. Thank you for your generous support.
* Please return your Commitment Card! You are welcome to mail it in, bring it by the office, or drop it in the basket in the rear of the church. Everyone is asked to prayerfully make a commitment to living your faith by getting involved in the parish!
* This Sunday, October 2, is Respect Life Sunday. Saint Mary Parish will participate in the Annual Life Chain. Pick up signs in the Parish Life Center at 1:45pm and walk to Route 1, where we will form a chain along Route 1 from Route 3 to College Avenue. Please join us and take a stand for the unborn.
* The Saint Mary Choir’s Cabaret Night fundraiser, featuring lively music and silent auction is Saturday, October 15 at 7:30pm at Holy Cross Academy. Tickets are $50. Buy tickets after Mass, at the parish office or by calling Joyce O’Toole at 540-371-2365.
* Saint Mary Volunteer Appreciation Dinner is Thursday, October 20: RSVPs are due Monday, October 17. See invitation on page 8-9.
* Parish directories have arrived! Please stop by the parish office after 2pm Monday–Friday to pick up your copy. The 2016 Parish Directories are available to those individuals and families who participated in the program.