From Our Pastor ~ October 2, 2016

From Our Pastor ~ October 2, 2016

Dear Folks,

One change this weekend in the manner in which we distribute Holy Communion. When you come up the center aisle, there will only be the 2 priests or Extraordinary Ministers at the head of the aisle. There will no longer be 2 extra stations at the busier masses. The reason for this in order to simplify communion and help the area where you receive to be free of last second distractions and decisions.

Over the years I have observed that when the faithful are faced with a last second decision (go to this communion station or that one), it proves for many to be a  distraction from the singular purpose for which they have come forward: focussing on Jesus and the reverent reception of Holy communion. I see people hesitate, and do stutter steps, or have to tuck their shoulder in to slip by the person receiving from the other station.

This will have some effect on the length of our communion time, but less dramatic than you might expect. Eliminating these spots will likely add a minute or two, but I will always prioritize devout reception of communion over speeding up Mass. Having met last weekend with the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, this change is effective this weekend going forward.

Additionally, I will be meeting with the Usher Coordinator and the Head Ushers of each Mass to see if other changes to the manner of distributing communion might help with the flow of traffic. I have asked them to keep an eye on how this works, until we can meet to discuss and I can get their input.

Additionally, this is the last weekend where Maura Harrison serves as our bulletin editor. She has graciously served the parish and edited this beautiful bulletin for more than 2 years. We thank her and wish her abundant blessings!





Fr. Mosimann

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