From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
Confirmation and First Communions!
Word has been sent out that we are scheduling 1st Communion Masses and Confirmation Masses! I am so grateful for the ability to be back in the church the last few weekends, and have worked with staff to offer dates for the reception of the sacraments spread out over the next few months! We can do this! Social distancing will not keep us from Jesus!!!!!
First Communion children will have a refresher meeting over the next two weeks, so that we can be sure they are ready for receiving our Lord with reverence and understanding. Be patient with office staff as we try to accommodate your schedules for sacraments, as we have almost 500 to celebrate!
Welcome Fr. Sina! We are glad to welcome another priest to the parish. Even with social distancing, the care of souls never stops and St. Mary keeps moving forward!
pax et bonum,
Fr. John Mosimann