From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
1. The Financial report is published in this bulletin.
These are the raw numbers for July 2019 to June 2020. So this covers prior to and early in the pandemic. The Good news is, the numbers are strong…. and look even stronger on paper. A few interesting points.
- Our number of registered families climbed of 6,000!
- 1,950 families donated on Sundays in a measurable way (envelopes/checks/electronic).
- The average annual gift of those 1,950 donors: $1,206.
- 591 families are enrolled in Faith Direct online giving, that is 154 more than the previous year.
- Faith Direct has greatly helped us to move through the summer in the pandemic.
- Bottom line: thanks for your generosity and support of the parish.2. Time for confessions!
This year I can only even more strenuously encourage you to make your Christmas confession early. Since our Religious Education classes are being taught virtually, our students and families who used to have confession offered during in-person class time will now be joining our parish confession hours and this volume may lead to longer lines. Please come early – thank you.
All confessions will be in the Parish Life Center, and there will be some times next week for confessions too… But lines (and maybe penances) will be much shorter this week.
This week confessions will be available:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 6:30pm to 7:30pm (we will try to finish all that come and arrive before 7:30pm….).
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:30am to 12noon.
Wednesday 6:30pm to 8:30pm — (because they are normally scheduled here, this is the exception to the ‘done @ 7:30 listing above)
Saturday 7:30am to 8:30am — bonus early start! Saturday 2:30pm to 4:30pm — bonus early start!
3. All Christmas Eve/Day Masses will be at the Fredericksburg Expo Center!!!
In order to accommodate as many people as possible safely, this year we will celebrate all of our Christmas Masses in the Expo Center. We will even have a very early bird special Mass at 2pm to be able to spread out safely! The 2pm Mass on Christmas Eve will specifically be for elderly and immunocompromised folks to ensure their maximum safety!pax et bonum (peace and all goodness),
Fr. John Mosimann