From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks:

Two things: Job Announcement and Prayers of Reparation for Sins of the Clergy.
1.  Now Hiring at St. Mary’s!  This will be the strangest job announcement ever.  Why?  Because it will be broad and wide.
Recently our Facilities Manager moved to a position teaching at John Paul 2 High School.  So we need a new facilities manager, right?  Well I also need an executive assistant.  And we might need more administrative help in the office.  How can I be advertising 3 positions and hire one person?  Because there are options on current staff for shuffling around responsibilities, and so the exact skillset that we need depends on possible restructuring and what your gifts might be.
What am I looking for?  Someone high in energy, organized, who loves the Church and our Parish.  Is that you?  I have found that the most important thing is getting the right folks on the team.  Do you have experience in any/all of: facilities management, or office administration, or being executive assistant or just being an awesome worker?  Please send a resume and a cover letter to the parish office by the close of business on Friday September 7th.  Tell me why you want to work for St. Mary of the IC, and how your skillset would help our parish flourish!
2.  Prayers of reparation for Sins of the Clergy:
Last week we published the Bishop’s letter, where he asked for priests to offer Mass, penance, and prayers of reparation for the Sins of the Clergy.  Many of you have expressed your support and desire to share in these prayers.  To that end, the most immediate opening on the calendar is Labor day.  Thus:
Monday September 3rd, Labor day:
6:00 pm Holy Hour of Adoration  followed by
7:00 pm Mass to pray for the victims of abuse and in reparation.
There has been much said, including a moving letter from our Holy Father, referencing the words of St. Paul, “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it” (1 Cor 12:26).   Thank you Pope Francis.  Her is a link to his letter:
Here also is a link to another letter from our Bishop:  Pull quote: “Policies are essential, and they must continue to be implemented and followed. This crisis, however, is not only about policies — it is about evil, the moral failings of priests, and at times a lack of courage and integrity on the part of bishops and other Church leaders.”
Here is a link to last Sunday’s homily by Fr. Scalia, the diocesan Vicar of Clergy.  I was struck by his words on how to direct anger in a righteous direction.
Christ has walked the path of betrayal before.  He has carried the price of our shame.  Let us walk with him and console the Heart of the Lord by walking with him and all innocent victims.
fr mosimann
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