From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
Three Things:
1. The Feast of the Holy Cross was Tuesday this past week and is the patron feast of our parish school. I am so proud of the work, energy, and dedication of the faculty and staff of our parish school in making this day something the kids will remember, treasure, and celebrate! I encouraged the staff to consider how we could celebrate the Feast Day with prayer, recreation, service, and feasting. The staff took that idea and built a whole day around the celebration: Holy Mass, service projects, adoration, extra recess, and even a Kona Ice Truck – providing delicious cold treats!
2. “That Man is you”. At the invitation of Fr. Koehr, our parish has embraced this program to forming men in faith and family leadership! Last Saturday more than 200 men came together for the first session and we are excited for the possibilities for our parish family! I am told that registration has cleared 300! It’s not too late to join – all men of the parish are welcome and we have plenty of room! Perseverance is everything: May the Lord bring to completion this great work that He has begun in the souls of many of our parish fathers and brothers.
3. Eucharistic Miracles. Mark your calendar for Friday & Saturday October 22 & 23. Block it off and get ready for an amazing, informative, and transformative talk. We are privileged to be able to host Dr. Ricardo Castanon Gomez who was asked by the church to investigate an alleged Eucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires in the 90’s. His investigation of this and other miracles led him to conversion from staunch atheism to Catholicism and now powerfully gives witness on the scientific proof of our Lord’s presence in the Eucharist! With Our Lord opening doors, we are even going to be able to host this talk at the new FredNats Stadium! A Session for schools students on Friday, and on Saturday for adults in both English and in Spanish. More information next week.
The Lord is doing great things in our parish: rejoice and be glad!
Father John Mosimann