From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
Two big things coming here this week, Thanksgiving Day and next week begins the first week of Advent!
We will be having our one Thanksgiving Day Mass at 10 am. So sleep in, get the turkey in the oven, and come to Mass! We will have our customary food drive benefitting The Fredericksburg Food Bank and you can drop the food off outside the church as you come in. I am so proud that, as someone said to me recently, this parish “loves to give food!”
Candlelight Masses 7:00pm return for Advent / Feast of the Immaculate Conception / Feast of the Holy Family!
Last week I offered a candlelit Mass for last year’s deceased of our parish. Several of the folks walking out said that it was the most beautiful Mass they had ever seen!
Given the emphasis in Advent on “the people in darkness have seen a great light,” it is an appropriate time. Please check it out if you wish for a fresh and especially contemplative take on the Sacrifice of the Mass! These are the dates of the upcoming candlelight Masses:
7:00 pm Sunday November 28, (1st Sunday of Advent)
7:00 pm Sunday December 5, (2nd Sunday of Advent)
7:30 pm Wednesday December 8, (Feast of the Immaculate Conception)
7:00 pm December 12, (3rd Sunday of Advent)
7:00 pm December 19, (4th Sunday of Advent)
7:00 pm December 26, (Feast of the Holy Family)
pax et bonum,
Fr. John Mosimann