From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
Advent Confessions.
What preparations did the Lord make for His coming? Only one thing: the perfect Immaculate Soul of His Mother. That’s it. They didn’t have a place to stay, they didn’t have a fancy hospital, or a perfectly prepared baby- room. Going to confession is the BEST possible preparation you can make to celebrate Christmas.
This year, we have again added many more opportunities for you to celebrate this great Sacrament of the Lord’s mercy. I won’t repeat the whole schedule, because it is in the calendar that we have already been running in the bulletin.
However, the eagle-eyed will notice that this year we added confessions on Sunday the 12th and Sunday the 19th. Set so that there are times before 2 Masses this week, and before two different Masses next week. Fr. Koehr has been offering these at Spanish Mass for a time, and in his wild-eyed young priest enthusiasm said, “Why not Sundays for everyone?” Well, I like adding more confessions / adoration / Masses, so why not?
I am very grateful to have a great rectory, with priests who are generous and wiling to serve you without reservation.
You are invited to return to the great Sacrament of the Lord’s mercy. Catholics come home!
pax et bonum,
Father John Mosimann