From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
Happy Fat Sunday! Yes, Lent is coming, and you gotta get in your feasting before Ash Wednesday! The schedule for Masses on Wednesday is ample: and yes, Ashes are distributed within Masses. In your zeal to get some dirt on your forehead, don’t forget to receive the far far greater gift of communion with the Lord Almighty!
40 Hours: Begin your Lent with Jesus! This year the parish theme and diocesan themes are both directed to renewing our love of the Blessed Sacrament. To that end, all parishes are doing an extra solemn period of adoration and renewal! Ours will be the first full week of Lent: March 7th to 10th. Each evening, Monday through Thursday, we will have a guest speaker, and prayers beginning at 7pm.
For Monday – Wednesday, I have asked several prominent members of our parish to speak: published authors, professionals, speakers, and parents! My hope is that by sharing their gifts, the parish will be enriched with a beautiful perspective which is rooted in family life both practical and profound. We will have the ‘lineup’ in next week’s bulletin, and I encourage you to be ready for this opportunity to start Lent off with a powerful week of prayer.
The closing night will be Fr. Tipton, Chaplin at JP2 the Great High School, who will speak on the Mass!
We will have a high quality lineup to begin your Lent with a little parish retreat! I hope that you will make plans to be here each night.
Pax et Bonum,
Father John Mosimann