From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
“You may offer one another a sign of peace.”
There you go. Could this be the sign of the end of the pandemic? We are returning this invitation to the celebration of our parish Masses. And many of you may say, “really, I started doing that a year ago!” Yes, I noticed! Since writing sometimes fails to tone, here is a smiling emoji:😊
However, please remember that it is an invitation to exchange a sign of peace. You do not have to shake hands. You may discreetly wave. You may hold your hands in a prayer position and bow. And above all: please be considerate and understanding if the people around you prefer to offer some such alternative sign of peace.
The sign of peace is not meant to be time to visit with relatives, or make introductions. It is a ritual gesture of charity in preparation to receive the King of the Universe. Maybe one benefit of the pandemic is a better understanding that the person next to us in the pew may have reasonable cause for avoiding shaking hands and hugging.
Holy Cross 8:30 ‘pandemic time’ Mass on Sundays? Yep, it is still there. I have been happy with the attendance, thus it continues. The most astute observer notes that it isn’t listed in the bulletin among our Masses. This is because of the ’temporary’ nature of the addition. More than two years, is a long temporary. Here’s another smile for you:😇
Our Father – holding hands. Yeah, this one seems to have disappeared during the pandemic. But know that it is not supposed to happen for several reasons, which I have written about before and won’t repeat. Thanks for not bringing this one back at all!
pax et bonum,
Father John Mosimann