From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Dear Folks,

A Blessed Lent to you! I type this on Tuesday night after the first of Fr. Searby’s talks for our 40 Hours Devotion and Lenten Mission – Wow! He spoke with humor, passion, and depth on the beauty of God and His desire to be with each of us! It is worth a listen, and he said that he will post each of his three talks, so that they will be there by the time you are reading this!

Poland and Lithuania 2024:

I grew up during the papacy of the St. John Paul 2! I love his writing, was inspired by his preaching, life, and example unto the last days of his life! To travel to Poland is to encounter the land and the Saints who helped to shape his generous soul!

We will see the original painting of Divine Mercy which is now in Lithuania! We will see the Hill of the Crosses, and walk in the footsteps
of St. Faustina, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and St. John Paul 2! These are saints of our lifetimes! The churches we will visit in Poland are not museums, as they can seem in many countries, but they are shrines full of Polish people praying!

Years ago, I wrote in the bulletin that Poland is on my short list of ‘gotta go back’ pilgrimages and so it will be: June 24th to July 6th this summer!! Please consider joining, as the cost is $4500/per person /double occupancy. I am very excited about the trip! You can email me for the full itinerary, and we will have more info upcoming in the bulletin.

I will leave you this story of me giving a ‘high-five’ to St. John Paul 2! I was at a papal audience in 1998 with my family and a couple hundred thousand excited Catholics. As JP2 went by in the popemobile, I noticed that he was holding onto the popemobile with one arm, and the other was reaching out towards the pilgrims, with his fingers gesticulating subtly in a sort of ‘come hither’ motion. So I reached across the barrier, and VERY GENTLY gave him a high-five! And then I gave him a blessing, because he looked so frail. High five and a blessing to a Saint now in heaven! Yeah, I think it is pretty awesome.

There is a beautiful museum in the home where he grew up, and we can sit and pray in the pews where he sat and prayed! He once said, “You are not the sum of your weaknesses and failures. You are the sum of God’s love for you.” Ever since going to Poland, I know St. John Paul 2 and St. Faustina are helping me to really deepen my trust in Jesus in all times, places, and circumstances.

Trust in Jesus, Trust in Jesus, Trust in Jesus. And join us for this beautiful journey!


Father John Mosimann

February 25, 2024
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