From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
Catholic Schools Week!!!
I want to thank Dr. Steve Fry, Angie Tomayko, Sheri Castellarin and all of our school/pre-school staff for their hard work and generosity in teaching and serving the children and families of our parish.
This weekend, at all Masses, children from the school will speak after communion to express gratitude for all who support the school and to give witness to the many graces received in this most important ministry. Teaching and living our faith is at the heart of the mission of the parish and the school is often on the front lines of this work for so many parish families.
I recall one time asking a pre-schooler what she had learned. Without hesitation, she looked up and said, “I learned that Jesus can never stop loving me. His grace is His love in my heart.” I was stunned with the depth of what she said. And that is why we make sacrifices and try to educate as many of our children as possible where this truth will shape their lives.
We are all working so hard to make sure that the school continues to be the best place we can make it. Staff, facilities and a brand new chapel! We are so proud and grateful for the work we are doing in our parish school.
Father John Mosimann