From Our Pastor
Dear Folks,
A few things. 🙂
BLA 1: Thanks for your generous response. A few folks said, with smiles, that I had too much fun giving that appeal. And I admit to using some of the same jokes every year! Moreover, I do believe firmly in the importance of all the charitable works supported.
BLA 2: Thanks to the folks who help so much, from the lay speakers at Mass, the ushers, arriving an hour early for Mass, to the count team that sorted the envelopes and had them sent to the diocese within 36 hours! We will let you know when we have the calculated results of this appeal.
Lent 1: So many good penances. This year I came up with a new one, “not buying anything, unless absolutely necessary (i.e. food etc).” I am going to have someone be my conscience and approve any purchase I make!
Lent 2: See the graphic to the right? It came from the Focus Missionary website. I like how it lays out the minimum fasting abstinence requirements in simple form.
Lent 3: Our Flocknotes Series with Bishop Barron “Following Christ”. This is a great resource that I encourage you to watch with your family, or small group setting. Receive the free weekly video by registering on our website – join the 2020 Lenten Group in English or Spanish.
Skiing 1: Lots of folks have asked, so…. ‘yes the ski trip was great. Snow was lousy, but the 50 degree sunny skies we beautiful, the priestly fraternity was energizing, and the food was amazing!’
pax et bonum,
Fr. John Mosimann