From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

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Please note the church will be closed until 1pm on Sunday for Live Streaming of Masses.

Dear Folks,

Today is Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers: biological, adoptive, spiritual, godmothers. I assure you of my prayers and blessing. I offer this lovely quote from Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty:

“The Angels have not been blessed with a such a grace. They cannot share in God’s Creative miracle to bring new Saints to Heaven. Only a human mother can. Mothers are closer to God the Creator than any other creatures. God joins forces with mothers in performing this act of creation.”

This, Mother’s Day is, of course, unlike any other we have experienced. What are your usual customs? Big gathering of family, fancy dinner out, Sunday Mass together? All swept away by the CoronaVirus.While we can’t have our customary celebrations, we can certainly honor our mothers.

Pray. Any gift you can give will have some value only during this life. However, every prayer rises to God where it is like a lovely imperishable flower adorning the throne of Glory. Every single one. Because it is received by the eternal Lord, it enters into His eternal plan of love.

“Rosarium … signifying properly a collection or garland of roses…. In the course of time the name was specially appropriated to a string of Paternosters and Ave Marias to be recited in a certain order in honor of the fifteen mysteries of our Lord in which the Virgin was a partaker, and from the collection of prayers the name was transferred to the string of beads used for the purpose of keeping count in the recitation.”

Pick Flowers from your yard. Thirty some years ago I picked tiny wild-flowers for my mother on a pilgrimage to a Marian shrine. They are pressed and framed in my parents home to this day. She received many more lovely arrangements of roses, but those tiny flowers were treasured.

Make a card by hand.

However you say it, let it be known: “Moms, we love you and thank God for you.”

Pax et bonum,

Fr. Mosimann


Fifth Sunday of Easter Liturgy Sheet
May 10, 2020
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