Parish Life Weekend September 29-30!
Join us after every Mass this weekend at our Ministry Fair for Parish Life Weekend! Parish Life Weekend is an opportunity to meet with a representative from the many different ministries our parish has to offer and discuss ways you could get involved. There’s plenty of opportunities to become an active member in the life of your local church here at St Mary, whether you don’t have much free time or are looking to fill up some empty dates on your calendar. So stop by after Mass and see if you feel called to any particular group, whether it’s volunteering at the Cold Weather Shelter, helping out in our Youth Ministry, or just signing up for an hour of Adoration! God is calling you to something, come on by and see if it’s here at one of our ministries!
Attached below is our Ministry Catalogue that has been mailed to all the families in the parish. Feel free to pass it on to anyone you know who may be looking to get involved!