We Welcome Our Lady of Guadalupe ~
The miraculous image of Our Lady will visit Saint Mary on three occasions in the coming weeks: Tuesday, 6 October and Thursday, 15 October from 3-8pm and on Wednesday, 21 October from 9:30-1pm in the church.
A digital copy of the original tilma of Saint Juan Diego in the basilica in Mexico City, this image communicates the loving presence of Mary, our Mother, through some beautiful signs. Healings, tears and glitter follow her, and one is able to feel the heartbeat of Mary as well as the heartbeat of Jesus in her womb.
This is one of the missionary images which began to circulate at Saint John Paul II’s request in June, 1991 at the International Rosary Congress and the National Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. Image Guardian Vivian Mestey, from our parish, reports such wonders as common to those who venerate her image.
You, too, can experience these graces, signs and wonders through Mary’s mediation and respond to our bishops’ call for a culture of life in our country.
“Am I not here who am your mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy?”